Tuesday, 28 June 2011

ED209 TMA05

False sense of security means I haven't done huge amounts for TMA05. I have however read everything that I need to put in it and written a basic plan. I am quite interested in this TMA and to be honest I wasn't when I started it. Will kick on with it later this week as the olds have left me home alone for a week and I feel like I am on holiday myself.

Really would like to do all the reading for the seen question this week and start on a plan so that it is also done before the TMA05 deadline.

I went on a 'First Date' last night with a really nice guy who I met a few Friday's ago. Although I have had 'a few' boyfriend's, I have usually just 'got together' with them and the first date never happened. Last night's first date was really cool and it was not as scarey as I had worked myself up for. In fact it went so well that we are seeing each other tonight. Definitely 100% going to take it a lot slower with this one because he is a fantastic catch. No psychosis and a whole heap of stuff in common!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Goodbye TMA04

It's amazing how motivated you can become with only hours to spare. Managed to complete TMA04 at the 11th hour (quite literally 11pm), it isn't my best work by a long long way but will be happy with a pass and just glad it's behind me.

Next step is reading and highlighting Book 3 and doing my seen question along with TMA05 but plenty of time and Sunday's at work to get it all done. Feeling a lot more relaxed. Breathing space........... Ahhhhhhhh

Found out something rather interesting today. My tutor gives us handouts on random topics and just says that they may just come in useful. Got chatting to a Lecturer at another Uni close to work who laughed and said that the tutors know what the exam questions are because they write them!!! I know this sounds like a Doh moment but I honestly didn't think about that at all. I now have a far better idea of what I am going to focus on. God bless random customers.

Going to read and highlight a few pages now as feeling the burn.

TMA04 still not gone

Really should not be blogging when I have only 3 hours to complete this assignment but have found that this blog helps me focus on what I am about to start as it becomes my goal. I know the official deadline was 12pm but I'm going for broke that it won't be a major problem.

Once this has been submitted I won't have to submit TMA05 till August so get a bit of breathing space to get through Book 3 and write up my Seen Question.

The Tech is back on the scene again and looks like I may well be catching up with him tomorrow evening, but we shall see.

Got myself in a situation which I wasn't expecting. I have a party to attend to celebrate the life of someone who passed away in March 24th. It will be mostly a Fetish affair which is usually fun in this club. I invited The One who I was certain wouldn't come because we have had a purely Sunday relationship since we started seeing one another again and when he didn't say yes straight away, I assumed it was no. I have a married friend we will call The Dealer (a fellow car dealer) who I was texxting last night. He mentioned that we hadn't seen each other in a while and we should catch up. I suggested that he go as my date, also assuming he would say no, being married and all but guess what.......... he said he was up for it........ GREAT, I have a date....... however, The One text me to say that he is up for a new experience and would like to come. WHAT A DILEMMA. Decision needs to be made tomorrow. But really looking forward to the fetish party either way.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Dragging heals on TMA04

I still have the abstract, discussion, references and appendices to complete and I am dragging my heals in the biggest way possible. Cut off is Midday tomorrow and I don't have the motivation to get on with it!!! This is a first for me but I am struggling to get it right so think I am going to end up 'making do' and relying on my fantastic tutor's feedback ready for TMA06. This is really not me!!!!!!!!

All seems to have gone cold on The Tech front and starting to get a little arsey with The One. Boy Toy has disappeared of the face of the earth which can only be a bonus as he was starting to bug me.

I do wonder if I can get away with finishing TMA04 tomorrow at work rather than tonight?!?!??!!? Probably but with ear ache. Will get the simple stuff done tonight such as abstract, references and appendices and will fluff discussion tomorrow whilst at work. Ah hell............ again!!!

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Started Book 3

I have been procrastinating from TMA04 and started reading and highlighting Book 3. I am starting to see trends along the way in this course so hoping that hen I do start revising that it won't be quite as tough as I am prepared for. Book 3 starts by summing up a lot of stuff that I've already read about so felt quite confident on it.

Went out last night for a friend's 30th birthday which turned out to be rather amusing. Both my brother and I pretty much managed to outdrink the birthday boy and got a little worse for wear. I forgot to set my alarm, was woken by stepdad at 9.14am asking if I was working today (was supposed to start at 9am). Boss not a happy soul, he will chill though so I'm not too worried. Brother phoned to ask how we got home and was fairly mortified to discover that he almost started 2 fights.

Tomorrow is TMA04 day as I am in the showroom on my own and doubt I will see many people.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

When you think you've done nothing......

I thought today was going to be fairly unproductive however I feel I have accomplished a few bits which seem to have made me feel like I've done more.

I have now completed reading and highlighting Book 2 and have actually made a start on Book 3 but only by a few pages, feels nice to have Book 2 done as I was starting to feel a little behind.

I have re-coded the Annie and Kirsty interviews whilst at work so at least now I have a results section. Chapter 8 in Book 2 has drawn a fair amount of stuff together that I can include in the Discussion part of TMA04. Have decided that a 2,000 word practical is not enough. You could go crazy and write an awful lot more.

I have listed all the chapters in all the books with the frequency of times the question has come up in the past 4 years of papers and have found some very common themes so will try to revise these to nth degree.

Finally I have watched a wicked film called Limitless which was recommended by my mother. I'd recommend it to anyone. And I've plucked my eyebrows...

............ it's all in a day's work.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

TMA04 Update: Part 2

Okay, feeling a little better about TMA04. Have managed an introduction which is slightly underworded but have also done my methods section which is overworded. I do feel a lot better for it, feel like I've made a dent. Listening to songs on Youtube whilst doing it, has actually helped as it gives me rhythm baby.

Sad but true, my bedroom window overlooks my local pub car park so have been watching all the goings on whilst writing up parctical. Life really has to get better than this.......... oneday.

Not looking forward to referencing per se as not sure where I got it all from but I'm sure it will be a half hour job using my limited resources.

TMA04 doesn't actually seem quite so bad due to word limitations in each area, you really don't get to say a lot till discussion and then I think I can gabble.

TMA04 Panic

Arghhhhhhhhhhh, Tuesday is the dead line and I have done very little. Ah hell, why do I place this pressure on myself.

I need to re-code as I discovered after the tutorial that my coding was a little off. I read both transcripts today at work and this has now caused more confusion but did find a cool report writing template that should help big style. Tonight I am planning to re-code and write the introduction (Actually I did produce a title today so I suppose that is a step in the right direction). Tomorrow will be results and start the discussion, the rest I plan to blitz on Sunday. 1 month till TMA05 so at least I can catch up with the stuff I am a little behind on. Need to start seen question soon.

Spent yesterday in London with the old man. Borough Market, Spitalfields and Camden. My father has comedy moments and this was my favourite of the day:

We are on the tube travelling through Camden station

Train Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, the doors at the very back of the train will not open at Camden Station, please move up the train.

We are now on a train going the other way

Train Announcer:Ladies and Gentlemen, the doors at the very back of the train will not open at Camden Station, please move up the train.

Dad: "We must be on the same train that we came in on!"

Me: "How do you work that out?"

Dad: "This one is broken too, you'd think it would be a safety issue!"

Me: Trying to hide the giggling along with everyone sitting close "Think you might find that the train is too big for the platform" snigger, snigger, snigger.

Ah my father.............. a man of the world!!!!

Monday, 13 June 2011

ED209 TMA03 Results

The results are back am I am uber happy with them. I think they are my highest so far, in fact pretty certain. Great feedback to improve further but at least I now know the framework that gives me the highest grades.

Official DD101 TMA07 submission day today so it is the start of the 14 day wait for results assuming that this one does go by those rules. Once I have the result I will post a 'reflections' post.

ED209 TMA04 has been barely started so I suppose that I am a little behind with ED209 but I think I have the capacity to blast it out once I get started, it's still only 2,000 words but is a little more involved. After the tutorial I understand why they suggest DSE212 first as you would already have experience of project work and it is a lot slower pace.

I think I have a little crush on The Tech...... I know that I can't keep him but I feel like i'm a teenager again. Ah bless.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

ED209 Past Papers

I caved and bought the last 4 years of papers as suggested by my tutor but really to check question frequency more than anything else. I was going to ditch book 1 after a lot of consideration but will wait till I've read book 3 before deciding. Temperament has come up every year so think I will be revising that to the nth degree. Identity seems also popular so gonna hit that one too.

Haven't really done much on TMA04 as of yet but may play with it a little tomorrow. Found a wicked report template when I googled 'Psychology Report Writing' from Sussex Uni. It made me giggle loads and is really helpful. It provides a fake experiment on the topic of national stereotypes that was rather amusing.

The Tech is proving to be rather fun. A lot of mischief is to be had and proving to be rather worth while. Almost got caught earlier, not doing anything 'bad' but another Tech was questioning why I was up in workshop at that point. Getting found out would be very bad. I'm loving the secrecy. He showed me an article today of one of his modified cars that he got published in a well known magazine, had 4 year old picture of him that was dreadful, glad he looks (and smells) darn cute now.

Weekend is looking dull. Daddy isn't about and nor is The One, he's at a festival and very drunk as per last night's conversation.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Highlighter shopping

Today has been day off work but has been a pretty busy one. Started with an airport run to Terminal 5 Heathrow with mum who's off to Scotland for a long weekend followed by going with dad on his voluntary work that he does for the hospital and then shortly I will be off to go and drop a car to the family mechanic to see if he can repair the unrepairable. I have also as the title suggests replenished my supply of highlighter pens which should last me till the course is over.

Just found out that an old friend is studying DD101 at the moment, I presume she is talking February start but should find out later.

I will do a post on DD101 reflections but will leave it until my mark for DD101 TMA07 is back so that I can be thorough about it.

The plan tonight is a bottle of wine and reading and highlighting Book 2 chapters 7 & 8 so that it is done and I can get on with Book 3 and TMA04.

After last night's tutorial I think I am a little happier with how to write up this report and also using about.com which has a great help section on psychology report writting.

People are talking about ditching one of the books for the exam and it seems to be common and actually expected by the tutor, I think Book 1 looks like it will be the one however I may revise the 2 chapters which have reared their ugly heads a few times in previous exams just so that I have choice in case I find a nightmare question for one of the others.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

DD101 TMA07 Submitted & Finished

No boss day meant that I colud reference and cut TMA07. The cutting was really hard but hoping the right points were cut. I can't believe that DD101 is over........ it's been my friend since October so I went to the pub with the lads to celebrate. Nowt unusual there really.

Things with The Tech have moved on, won't go in to detail on an OU blog but it's all proved interesting and definitely makes work rather interesting. I am pro affairs at work now, they make the day more interesting.

ED209 Tutorial was wicked as always. No help can be given with the seen question so don't bother asking but loads of info on TMA04 which is going very very useful............ don't know how people do this course without tutorials due to amount of info given to help you along the way.

Hot guy in tutorial today, new and never seen him before.

Advise for TMA04 as I see it:

Get someone to code as well as you for inter-coder validity or do it twice yourself and put it in discussion and methods. My 'I' have been misinterpreted.

Use about.com to get a layout

Try to find a 'real' report to get guidence from.

Learnt a lot about Critical Analysis - 1 sentence on what theory is, 5/6 about the criticisms and 1 to sum up. Helps me loads.

I am thinking that DSE212 is going to be a fair bit easier than ED209!!!!!! To be honest, everything on OU website suggests this but being me, I couldn't wait.

Tomorrow is day off and it is pre planned - 10am - Mother to airport, 12.30 - Collect dad and do his voluntary work with him, 5pm - Meet The Tech for an hour, 6.30pm - Drop car to family mechanic............ Do I actually bother seeing ex-boy-toy as suggested............... I suspect not.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Reporting update

Ah hell........... TMA04 is proving to be awkward. It is kind of a report and essay in 1 and I think that it is going to take some time. I am so glad I have started it early enough.

Tonight I have managed to do the coding side of it which I am pretty sure is the 'easiest' part. Methods section might not be too bad, and maybe not even the results however the discussion, abstract and introduction are going to be tough ones. Also the title might prove a toughy.

Bring on TMA05............. you are going to be simple in comparison me thinks.

Also on a technology note. I have no idea how I am going to submit the apendices unless I have overlooked something really vital which may well be the case.

I have decided to only revise the top 8 topics for the exam that have come up in previous years ensuring 2 from each book plus a couple of back ups. Will start writing up my seen question soon to so that I can commit it to memory.

It's odd how the brain works but DSE212 starting on October 1st seems miles away but the ED209 exam on October 18th seems too soon.

No boss day tomorrow..............yey

This means that I can complete and quite possibly submit DD101 TMA07 with a tear in my eye that it has come to an end. This will also give me a chance to do some of the background reading for ED209 TMA04 which after reading the forums is starting to make less sense than it did originally. The forums are really good for getting me to think about things that I hadn't previously.

Have spotted on boss's calender that he has a 3 day course at the end of the month which I see as opportunity to blitz ED209 TMA05......... I can't believe I am talking about TMA05 already.

Maybe a little good news on the fees front in that it may be the case that students who have already started their OU studies may be exempt from the tuition fee hikes that are imminent..... phew..... pretty certain I woul dhave bitten the bullet and still gone for it but this means that I can save more money for my MSc in October 2015.

The situation with The Tech is proving to be quite fun, it's all got a little flirty at work but at least now he is staying in the workshop more rather than buzzing around me, however I do hope that I opted for unlimited text messages in my tariff else it's gonna be an expensive one.

I can't actually believe that I am about to drop down to just 1 module.... I think it's going to make me feel lazy although it should give me a lot more time for ED209 to be the centre of my life. DSE212 starts October 1st which is 17 days before ED209 exam so suspect I will inspect my book parcel wheen it arrives and then leave it alone for the first 2 weeks.

Friday, 3 June 2011

DD101 TMA07 Update

Didn't actually finish business hours until 9.30pm so not a lot of free time. The things you do for your favourite boss............. and colleague............

Well, today was no boss day and it has been interesting.

I managed all my notes on TMA07 and wrote them up in to a rather nice assignment. The down side is that once it is referenced it is going to be around 200 words over the 10% over allowance and after playing with it, I can't find any bits that I want to risk leaving out. This should have been a 2,000 essay and not 1,500!!!! Note for future DD101 tutors!!! Have now left it for stepdad to proof read before pressing the glorious submit button for the last time on DD101.......... sob, sob, phew!!

Today has been entertaining in a rather naughty way. Since I left this job back in November a new tech started who is a little younger than the others and he's pretty cool to chat to. Everywhere I went today, he's been there to the point that others have been making comments about it........... me being me has been a little oblivious to it until after lunch when he offered to take a look at my sickly toy car at home (still didn't see where this was going.....Duh) so we swapped numbers, now the texts have got a little flirty. From now on he will be called 'The Tech' as I have the feeling the story may progress. 'Boy Toy' is in trouble at work but this really isn't so much my business anymore even though we are remaining friends and 'The One' is confusing the life out of me since bank holiday Monday so I don't know whether I am coming or going.

I am living the dream.............. REALLY?????

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Long required update

It's been a while since I blogged, this is mainly down to the fact that I can no longer do it from work which is a pain.

ED209 TMA03 has been submitted, the more I re-read it, the more annoying it was so just submitted it to be done. Relief.

DD101 TMA07 is virtually in note form and as it is 'no boss' day tomorrow at work, the notes will be finished and I plan to have my first draft finished too.

ED209 TMA04 - Have looked at it and will wait till I submit DD101 TMA07 before actually starting it.

SD226 - Registered and confirmed

DSE212 - Applied for financial support and waiting to hear back

New job - I am back where I started when I first started this course which is nice and familiar. Sold a few cars, one to a VIP. Love getting up 45 minutes later than before.

Boy Toy - Dumped him yesterday but he is okay and we are remaining friends. I feel sorry for him a lot but I think I am stuck with him one way or another for a while.

The One - Saw him Sunday night whilst I was sober and he was wasted. All very confusing but have a feeling it will become clear pretty soon.

Voluntary Work - FINALLY have heard back and have interview on the 13th. I am actually rather nervous but quite excited.

Brief update but far too much to go in to on one post so thought that something was better than nothing. The next update will be on the progress of DD101 TMA07 which is groovy as it will be the last time I press the submit button for DD101. Gonna miss it but glad it's almost behind me.