Tuesday, 7 June 2011

DD101 TMA07 Submitted & Finished

No boss day meant that I colud reference and cut TMA07. The cutting was really hard but hoping the right points were cut. I can't believe that DD101 is over........ it's been my friend since October so I went to the pub with the lads to celebrate. Nowt unusual there really.

Things with The Tech have moved on, won't go in to detail on an OU blog but it's all proved interesting and definitely makes work rather interesting. I am pro affairs at work now, they make the day more interesting.

ED209 Tutorial was wicked as always. No help can be given with the seen question so don't bother asking but loads of info on TMA04 which is going very very useful............ don't know how people do this course without tutorials due to amount of info given to help you along the way.

Hot guy in tutorial today, new and never seen him before.

Advise for TMA04 as I see it:

Get someone to code as well as you for inter-coder validity or do it twice yourself and put it in discussion and methods. My 'I' have been misinterpreted.

Use about.com to get a layout

Try to find a 'real' report to get guidence from.

Learnt a lot about Critical Analysis - 1 sentence on what theory is, 5/6 about the criticisms and 1 to sum up. Helps me loads.

I am thinking that DSE212 is going to be a fair bit easier than ED209!!!!!! To be honest, everything on OU website suggests this but being me, I couldn't wait.

Tomorrow is day off and it is pre planned - 10am - Mother to airport, 12.30 - Collect dad and do his voluntary work with him, 5pm - Meet The Tech for an hour, 6.30pm - Drop car to family mechanic............ Do I actually bother seeing ex-boy-toy as suggested............... I suspect not.

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