Monday, 25 April 2011

ED209 TMA02 Submitted

Finally at the 11th hour I have submitted ED209 TMA02 and it has been a challenge to say the least, based on this I suspect TMA04 and TMA06 which are practicals are going to be just as hellish. At least for now it's another Essay for TMA03 and in a similar format to TMA01.

I am not certain that TMA02 is my best work but I have mentioned all the key points, I just worry that it is a bit of a ramble rather than constructed well. I am relieved just to have pressed that theraputic submit button.

On to DD101 TMA06 ready to be submitted next Wednesday, at least I have most of a body for this one so it is now just a case of sorting word count, referencing and submitting. Think I will multi-task this alongside the Royal Wedding.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Working Good Friday and ED209 TMA02

Another day at work when everyone else is in a pub garden drinking and enjoy the glory of a sunny bank holiday which is rare in itself.

Good Friday is generally not a busy sales day so I have managed 5 questions on paper for ED209 TMA02 which has actually impressed me because it has flowed pretty well. Oddly I have also sold 2 cars before lunch time which is a suprise in itself.......... no customers since though.

I am not really all that close to the word count for TMA02 though and I really am anti the idea of padding for the sake of it although I hate to say that this may end up being the case as I think that I have covered all the required areas in each question fully. I have found that the Methods and Skills Handbook has not really given me enough information and therefore I have had to venture elsewhere for information which I didn't think was the point of most OU TMAs.

I am planning to press the submit button before 4pm on Bank Holiday Monday which as you have probably guessed is another working day for me.

I am in the process of thinking about my short term career (although maybe career deems a long term prospect so maybe I catually mean job). I am looking at becoming a chaffeur, this may seem random but it would cover all bases for me 1) A lot less than the current 55 hours per week, 2) More constant pay, 3) Better company car, 4) A lot less pressure especially with respect to targets and finally I will have a lot of 'down' time so OU books will travel with me everywhere. Hmmmm, thoughts.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

All good intentions........

......... went to waste last night after I forgot to take all my study material home from work last night....... the time is ticking and I am worrying a little.

Ended up watch Pretty Little Liars and meeting my friend at the pub for a few pints. My friend has bought a new car which is rear wheel drive so it was time to be irresponsible and do doughnuts round the pub car park (Please remember in all of this that I am 32 and he is 26), then we head round to the local park to meet a few friends and discover that new playground rides have been put in and they are super cool so we had a little play on them and we're back tonight for an hour to give them a proper testing. Then I promise that I will spend 1.5 hours on TMA02, I think I have done enough reading to be able to write up the first draft in that time ready to print and fine tune at work tomorrow.......... Good Friday (10-4 at work).

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Juggling 2 courses

This is a first for me but with only 6 days looming until ED209 TMA02 is due, I have barely typed anything for it at all. I won't say that I have done nothing because that is far from true. The TMA02 forum on my the website has had lots of info to get me thinking so I think that I can pretty much blitz through it once I actually sit down and start typing but I've not so far left any TMAs this late to do............ I hope this is purely a glitch.

With DD101 TMA06 due a mere 7 days after ED209 TMA02 I am feeling a little behind although I have most of TMA06 typed, just need to make sense of it and reference but will leave that till the day of the Royal Wedding I think.

ED209 TMA03 due May 24th - Very similar to TMA01 so quite happy with this one
DD101 TMA07 due June 13th - Then I say goodbye to DD101 but want this done ASAP because of ED209 TMA04
ED209 TMA04 due June 21st - First practical and looks like heavy going..Doh

DSE212 - Starts October 1st so no overlap with ED209 apart from exam time
SD226 - Starts February 4th and after reading other people's views, this is a heavy going course.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Exam date released

It's there in black and white on my studenthome page. On October 18th @ 2.30pm I will be sat at a desk trying to recall important information for ED209 from a mind that will have gone blank. Now maybe it is time to start thinking about the revision. By tonight I plan to have finished Book 2 and so I have ideas about what chapters I have struggled with and may omit from study.

A nice man on my forum has given fequencies of questions and come up with the following:

Temperament - 6/7
Gender - 6/7
Cognitive Development - 5/7
Language - 7/7
Executive Function 5/7
Peer & Sibling Interaction - 4/7
Theory of Mind - 4/7

I think I may follow this and focus on these chapters however I will have a couple of buffers. These will include Book 1 - chapter 2 (TMA01), Book 2 Chapter 1 & 2 (TMA03) + book 3 chapter 3 & 4 (TMA05).

Have now ordered my Erika Cox books so should get them in a couple of days. Here goes............

Watched morning TV today and came across Horrid Henry........ to my own shame I found it quite fun....Doh

Friday, 15 April 2011

ED209 Update

I have now worked out that if I can finish fOCUSII - Collection 2 which I have started but keep loosing the will to live with and complete fOCUSII - collection 3 then I am free running until May 21st but as I am getting very much in to the readings, I am pretty certain I will finish Book 2 before Easter and therefore I am free running (TMAs excluded) till the 3rd June which is a great feeling.

I can get on properly with DD101 TMA06, TMA07 (which requires a fair bit of reading and note taking) and ED209 TMA02 which I really need to get done between now and Easter weekend, TMA03 (I am looking forward to this as the question is based around atatchment theory and disturbed/disturbing behaviour) and make a start on TMA04 (practical, scary).

Onwards and upwards. Really, really want to get DD101 done and dusted for 2 reasons: 1) It will feel like a huge achievement, 2) I can totally focus on ED209.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

May 5th Referendum - Yes vs No

Thought a quick round up of the arguements for and against AV which we will have to decide on May 5th

First thing to note is that no voting system is perfect and we are not argueing as to whether the voting system should be changed but as to whether the AV system is the way to go. Currently Australia, Fuiji and Papa New Guinea have this system and Australia are trying to ditch it.


More choice for voters

Limits tactical voting


Will have unfair result on marginal constituencies

A voter doesn't have to pick a 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc choice which will affect results

1st to 5th have same weighing which is the major flaw

The count could take up to 5 times longer

£250 million required to impliment which is excessive in our current economic situation however £100 million has already been spent on the referendum alone.

More complicated and therefore could put off more voters

I appreciate that this appears rather one sided but that is where my research lead.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

National Identity

I am on to the chapter in Book 2 which I think is chapter 7 all to do with National Identity and I have to say that it isn't the most interesting chapter that I have read. The chapter on Gender is far more interesting as I am a little bit of a tomboy (maybe more than a little). One study shows that ridicule by fathers to sons if they play with non-gender typical toys could be a major factor. This proved of interest when my dad told me to be more feminine on Sunday morning and use a trolley rather than carrying my clubs......... I obviously pulled him up on this.

Really really need to sort out fOCUSII stuff and Media Kit pretty soon as falling a little behind with those.

DD101 has fallen a little by the wayside but have most of a backbone to work for TMA06 so not too worried especially as it is due after ED209 TMA02 which I am loosing interest in progressively, I may work on this tonight as am back round boy toy's place. He has developed a love affair with the PS2 especially GTA: San Andreas and Lego Star Wars which to be honest, I quite like. I am now a PS2 widow therefore can study till my heart is content.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Up to date but infront

I have now got a fair way through gender in children so fairly ahead in terms of the reading but still haven't finished fOCUSII - relibaility and really need to get a grip on Media Kit so that is the plan for tonight and day off tomorrow. No boy toy tonight as haven't stayed at home for so long now, I have forgotten how comfy my bed is. Boy toy not happy as doesn't like his own company in the least but he has PS2 to amuse him now.

Golf on Sunday was great, a real hangover cure and I played pretty well after faltering on the first three holes. Especially not bad considering I haven't played in 2 years. Talks of a golfing holiday with dad and brother which sounds wicked. Need to sit down with diary and book some holiday because everyone has booked up theirs so far.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

DD101 TMA05 Results

Finally my results are back however not sure they were really worth the wait. This is the lowest grade I have had so far and unless I hit gold with TMA06 and TMA07, I may only finish the module with a Pass 3. DD101 as I've mentioned before doesn't actually count towards my final degree mark but I would like to finish on a pass 2.

After my 2nd tutorial for ED209 and the advice on critical evaluation, I am going to take a totally different stance for TMA06 than previously thought and planned. Up until now I have been pretty much 'dumping' information in to my DD101 assignments so now it is time for a change. For TMA06 I am choosing the option of the question about migration and I am going to take a side and only use the evidence that supports my arguement. I know that this probably sounds like something I should have been doing from the start but my awesome ED209 tutor has really explained TMAs well and I now understand what should or shouldn't be in them.

I can now use DD101 to experiment on TMA structure as it will do no harm.

Friday, 8 April 2011

100th post

It's a mile stone 6 months in to my degree to reach 100 posts on here. I am actually pretty amazed that I have managed to keep this up....... to be fair it actually becomes a little addictive.

Still no DD101 marks however according to the forums on ED209 from people who haven't yet recieved marks for ED209 TMA01, there may be issues with the TMA system so will just have to wait.

Managed to do a bit on the fOCUSII - reliability section but it was starting to get a bit heavy going so stopped about half way through especially as boy toy couldn't work out why he kept hearing Bill Clinton discuss his sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky.

I am now wishing TMA02 to be over. I have gone from having too little info to wanting to put in too much info and I'm baffled. I am going to leave it till Tuesday when I am off and just hit it and get it done, I know this won't lead to a wonderful score but I am sick of thinking about it and I have never read so many forum posts trying to get ideas.

Off on Sunday so the plan is to put OU stuff to one side and enjoy the sunshine which will start with a game of golf with dad followed by our usual liquid lunch refreshment then over to the garage to try to sort the Air Flow Meter out on the Peugeot........ I own a convertible, the sun is out and I am not driving it so rather frustrated. There is no point getting the stuff done for the MOT until I can get her running properly.

Boy toy is a wonderful psychology study all by himself. He has some rather serious issues from his past that he won't talk about, I am not going to push him on the subject until I have to but the effects are evident. He smokes skunk everyday and has done for many years, I discovered last night (due to the fact he hasn't got money to buy any) that he can't bare to go without because he doesn't want to dream...... I already know that he hates being left alone with his own thoughts and it stresses him. What wonderful taste in men I have.............. NOT!!

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Where are my results?

It looks like my DD101 TMA05 results are a little. TMA05 was due on 22nd March which means I should have got results back by 5th April and they aren't there. I'm not expecting a grand grade but I just want to know.

Had a morning without boss about so managed to get a couple of questions done on ED209 TMA02, the one about data protection which is pretty straight forward and the one on the 2 variables. I will work on the first question about type of design tonight which then only leaves 6 questions, of which 3 require quite a bit of thought.

I was a little wrong about overstaying welcome at home, in fact my rent has been halved but I now have to do my own washing and ironing........ not come home between the hours of 12am and around 10am so still think moving out is a good idea. Boy toy has suggested that he wouldn't want people over on a school night which could be problematic as I have always worked on an open-house policy and my weekend is a Tuesday!!! Discussion tonight so will know answers tomorrow. I do know that I wouldn't be moving out till end of May so have a little more breathing space.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Tutorial 2 ED209

Last night was tutorial 2 with my very cool tutor.

It appears that we all made similar errors on our TMA01s - Introduction, Referencing and Critical Analysis. After finding out what the average grade was for TMA01, I am pretty pleased with my result and after he explained how he marks I was even happier. If I can work on my critical analysis and introduction which he gave really good pointers on, I could start looking at grade 1 TMAs...... whoop whoop.

I have given up on the idea that I need 1 point per mark and just need to be pretty comprehensive on my answers for TMA02 and a lot was discussed during tutorial which has given me things to think about. I knew TMA02 was a case of thinking outside the box but I felt like I was looking down a narrow tunnel till last night. I love tutorials and annoyed that I couldn't attend my DD101 ones, worried that any future courses will be on Saturdays.

Staying at boy toys place tonight so will start working seriously on TMA02 now that I am in the mood. May be moving in with boy toy next month....... I suspect that home are starting to think that I have overstayed my welcome. To be fair we were talking about moving in together in September so not really worried about doing it earlier. Some things that may come a cropper

Him - OCD tidy
Him - Unplugs everything at night which grates especially appliances which have a time on them
Me - Not the above
Him - Finishes work and pub home by 4pm
Me - Finish at 6.30pm.......
Him - Works Monday to Friday
Me - Works Saturdays & Sundays
Him - Pees with door open and doesn't understand why I lock the door
Me - Can't bear the above

The list continues................

Sunday, 3 April 2011

OU study vs Working hours Correlation

It's Sunday.. I am at work... this equals ED209 study!!! I think there is a strong positive correlation between the number of hours that I am at work and the amount of OU study that I actually manage to do in a week especially if I have a Sunday in there too. I have been here nearly 2 hours and not a customer in sight however I have managed to fill in a few answers for TMA02 although I will need to pad as they aren't full enough to cover the word count and this is looking like a rather tough task to say the least.

Managed to get a little reading done last night whilst I was camped out at Boy toy's house last night. He is a rather facinating psych study especially with regards to attachment however I really must stop looking at him that way. He does like his own company at all which is blantantly apparent and has no idea how to amuse himself which is a whole different story.

Going to spend the rest of my 4 hours at work going through the Method and Skills book to get a little of that done so that I can do a major catch up by doing Media Kit & fOCUSII a little later. I know that I am out of sink however it actually isn't the worst thing because sometimes it's more like revision.

Customer due down soon to look at a car so will have to put books down at some point unfortunatley.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Premature Reading

Been looking at exam stuff whilst at work which has actually been pretty busy today, don't mind days like this. The options in book 4 for the seen question look interesting and I am choosing the chapter on Children and Legal Proceedings which obviously has strong links with the James Bulger case. The information is very thought provoking to say the least.

I have now Read and Highlighted up to Chapter 4 in book 2 so I am ahead in this respect but really need to push on with fOCUSII stuff and Media Kit which I am a little behind on - the odd bit is that it is probably the easiest bits!!

No further with TMA02 ED209 so really need to press on however I have 320 more words to put in to TMA06 DD101 so at least I have something that I feel is getting somewhere.

Boy toy has moved to a studio flat rental. It's small, no heating, mice (they are a little loud at night) but it does the job for now. Possibly looking at biting the bullet and moving in which him around September, we will have been together 9 months by then and I have realised that I am not quite as young as I once was so may aswell throw caution to the wind................................