Friday, 8 April 2011

100th post

It's a mile stone 6 months in to my degree to reach 100 posts on here. I am actually pretty amazed that I have managed to keep this up....... to be fair it actually becomes a little addictive.

Still no DD101 marks however according to the forums on ED209 from people who haven't yet recieved marks for ED209 TMA01, there may be issues with the TMA system so will just have to wait.

Managed to do a bit on the fOCUSII - reliability section but it was starting to get a bit heavy going so stopped about half way through especially as boy toy couldn't work out why he kept hearing Bill Clinton discuss his sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky.

I am now wishing TMA02 to be over. I have gone from having too little info to wanting to put in too much info and I'm baffled. I am going to leave it till Tuesday when I am off and just hit it and get it done, I know this won't lead to a wonderful score but I am sick of thinking about it and I have never read so many forum posts trying to get ideas.

Off on Sunday so the plan is to put OU stuff to one side and enjoy the sunshine which will start with a game of golf with dad followed by our usual liquid lunch refreshment then over to the garage to try to sort the Air Flow Meter out on the Peugeot........ I own a convertible, the sun is out and I am not driving it so rather frustrated. There is no point getting the stuff done for the MOT until I can get her running properly.

Boy toy is a wonderful psychology study all by himself. He has some rather serious issues from his past that he won't talk about, I am not going to push him on the subject until I have to but the effects are evident. He smokes skunk everyday and has done for many years, I discovered last night (due to the fact he hasn't got money to buy any) that he can't bare to go without because he doesn't want to dream...... I already know that he hates being left alone with his own thoughts and it stresses him. What wonderful taste in men I have.............. NOT!!

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