Monday, 28 February 2011

Manic Monday

Mondays are generally not my favourite day of the week and after getting to work half and hour late due to traffic I think today has followed that trend. However till I was late for work it was going swimmingly. Vodafone has been down all day which has been fun especially as I was warring with boy toy over text last night so couldn't continue till 2pm and he'd actually chilled out so maybe it was a good thing.

Course fees have been published for next year on OU website and although they have increased, they aren't awful, do wonder though whether financial support will increase too?!?!?!!??

Tonight will be beer and Chinese in the pub next door with boy toy, might take ED209 TMA01 with me?!?!?!?

Sunday, 27 February 2011

It's Sunday at work again

TI am currently sitting at my work desk looking through my draft of TMA01 for ED209 as it is the one due the soonest (Mar 15th)it doesn't read too badly as it is but I really want a 75+ mark (obviously 80+ would be wicked but we'll see) for it so making sure that it fits the criteria of my student notes. I still need to play with the: Intro, Overview of Piaget's theories, some of the critisms and the conclusion whcih sounds a lot but it is mostly just tweeks here and there. I need to make sure that I have critiqued it well enough and my referencing needs sorting as the referencing for ED209 does not appear to be the same as it has been in DD101.

Went to see the film Paul last night and found it rather amusing even though people had been telling me it was lame. Also had my first experience of Nandos which actually wasn't bad especially the sauces.

1st tutorial for ED209 is on Tuesday which is kind of exciting.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Failed day off

Okay well I managed to do zip yesterday in relation to Open University study. Have till March 15th to submit ED209 TMA01 and till March 22nd to submit DD101 TMA05 which are both in a decent draft form but still with a few amendments to be made. Ended up taking my brother to go and collect his PS3 from his girlfriend's house miles away.

Boy toy has moved house to the other side of the village with his rather mad housemate. The house needs a hell of a lot of work but it's a good size with potential. Boy toy is growning on me a lot so suspect that may need to call him boyfriend soon!!

I have had a look at OU levels and am actually on target for a 2:1 pass for DD101 but only just. Got bless substitutions.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

DD101 TMA04 Results

Results are back for DD101 TMA04 and to be honest I think the mark reflects the amount of work that I put in to it. It was being done whilst I was in my old job, submitted early and the tutors comments pretty much reflect this fact.

Have Thursday off so that will be OU study day. In an ideal world I want to make a rewrite of DD101 TMA05 and ED209 TMA01, would also like to create some mind maps for the first 3 chapters of ED209 although not sure there will be that many hours in the day on the basis that the day won't start till at least 11am.

Need to put a lot more effort in to ED209 as these marks actually count. If DD101 is anything to go by then I am only in for a 2:2 and I need a 2:1 so need to buckle down.

New job is a million times better than the last place, sold a few cars although had a few fall through but it's all part of the process.

Poker tonight but will have to miss next week a school starts!!!!!

Friday, 18 February 2011

Return from Disney

Had a super cool time at Disneyland Paris and now have a set of Minnie Mouse ears however after not thinking about what I was going to do with them as packed light so had to wear them all the way through London back to home............ people were staring a little to say the least!!!

Run Down:

Rock and Roller Coaster - Nowhere near as good as Florida and no music (think it was broken to be fair)

Pirates: Way better than Florida on so many levels

Space Mountain: Once again, way better than Florida.

Eurostar: Loved it, best way to travel.

I have learnt that Disney tickets can't be used on the London tube system!!1 Slightly embarrasing.

Have managed to actively read almost all of Book 1 for ED209 partly on Eurostar and partly in the bar in the hotel.

Not looking forward to getting back to the normailty of work tomorrow!!!!

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Valentine's Rednecks

In terms of OU stuff I managed a little this morning before work, very unusual for me as I'm not a morning person and am generally only awake in enough time to shower and get ready but stayed at boy toy's place last night and he was up early for work and this is where the comedy started.....

Boy toy lives with a guy who we will call Mike, he has a friend sleeping on the sofa for a few weeks who we will call Dave who is a little 'basic' in terms of his personality.

Dave to boy toy: "Tomorrow night I am cooking Vension for dinner, it looks like a lovely cut of meat. The animal was less than a year old"

Me to Dave: "How do you know what the animal was like that it came from? Did you run it over (giggling)"

Dave to me: "No, that's illegal.... the guy in front of me hit it, I just picked it up, took it home and gutted it"

Me to boy toy: (A little shocked but now giggling further) "honey, you are eating ROADKILL tomorrow night"

Boy toy is a little freaked out and is getting concerned about where he is living especially as both these guys are the size and build of a man mountain!!!!

Monday, 14 February 2011

Valentine's Study

I managed about 6 hours of active reading (this is my new phrase for reading and highlighting) last night and took a suprising amount of information in!! I have finished up to and including Chapter 5 of Book 1 which I am happy about. My tutor has a web page which has lots of useful info about TMAs and what he is expecting from us. I have to say that the guidance given for ED209 is actually better than DD101 and on the basis that I need a 2:1 degree, this is rather good news. Going to start the whole mind map thing for this module ready for Exam and already trying to work out which chapters I really need to focus on.

Okay, yes it is Valentine's day which I don't go in for however I am heading round to the boy toys with a few beers to catch up as I haven't seen him since Friday (this isn't long in my world but appears to be in his world). I think I would rather be studying which either suggests that the reading for ED209 is really really interesting, or on the that the boy toy isn't!!!

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Part 2 on a Sunday

I have managed a little headway on ED209 this evening and and reading and highlighting Chapter 4. ED209 TMA01 is still in rough draft form but it doesn't need any major changes so am putting it to one side for a while.

Current Assignments in Progress:

DD101 TMA05 - Complete but will recheck before submission day 22nd March
DD101 TMA06 - Still is really rough draft stage but started it before Book 2 arrived so want to read and highlight the relevent stuff and have a play around with it. I have found the reading for this TMA to be a little one sided.
DD101 TMA07 - Still reading and highlighting but it's pretty interesting
ED209 TMA01 - Rough draft but no bad due 15th March
ED209 TMA02 - Have looked at it and read the material but not going to start until DD101 TMA06 is written and I'm happy with it.

My eyes have got a little sore from reading this evening. Turns out everyone was feeling ropey after last night escapades so it's quite in the house this evening. Mum couldn't work out how she got quite so drunk then we pointed out the shots!!! She is a little ashamed. I think I will have a couple of quiet nights Monday and Tuesday as I need to be at train station on Wednesday at 8.15 to start the journey to Disneyland Paris!!!! Can't wait.

A wet Sunday

Today is the first Sunday I've worked at new job which is going well by the way. Sundays are always a little hit and miss with footfall and today was a miss day. Have been struggling with a slight hangover today due a night of partying with the old folks and not getting home till gone 1am this morning.

Have managed to get through a fair chunk of the reading and highlighting for DD101 TMA07 and it has proved rather interesting especially the part about the troubles in Northern Ireland and the part I've just started in Piracy. There is a quote which pretty much sums up the claim that states are legitimate authorities as being impossible because basically if it were true then they wouldn't actually be needed at all which is a very interesting concept.

Recieved email from The OU which suggests it is time to start thinking about the future. Maybe a little premature but I have been looking at MScs and which Universities offer BPS accredited courses, I think my first choice would be University of Liverpool followed by University Of Surrey and then University of Middlesex, what I have discovered is that postgrad study is quite pricey and I haven't really got my head around scholarships and if funding is available. I thought there might be the option to work part-time whilst doing the MSc but this appears to be discouraged and after reading through the workload I think it is very much a case that your life is on hold for that year. I've also been looking at possible jobs after the MSc and am looking at the route of Crime Analyst although I suspect these are highly competitive positions.

Also after looking at module options on The OU website I am tempted to not bother with DSE232 which is an optional module and maybe look to do SXR208 - Observing The Universe. This may seem a little random but from what I have read about DSE232 it seems that people think it should just be linked in with DSE212 and it would be nice to add a little variety to the degree and maybe it's a little to do with spending a week in Mallorca in an observatory staring at the stars. Mind you at £770 for a 15 point course it will take a little thinking about!!!

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Week of nothing

I haven't actually done anything OU related this week or most of last to be fair as new job has been keeping me pretty busy and unlike last job, I can't get away with doing loads of OU stuff.

TMA04 deadline came and went so I now have a 2 week wait till I get a result.

Off to Disneyland Paris next Wednesday and Thursday so will take some OU stuff with me for the journey by Eurostar.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Open Forum ED209

After logging on to OU website I have discovered that the forums have opened and they seem to be a little more active than the ones for DD101. There are already threads that are being blocked by tutors but hey it was the same in DD101 till they split us regionally.

It appears that there are other nerds like me who have already completed ED209 TMA01 which is actually very cool. I haven't done much OU related since my last post except read and highlight (to be known in future as R&H) the content for TMA07 in the Learning Companion 3 (to be honest it took about 10 mins and didn't have vast amounts of info).

Work - Quiet but okay.

Boy Toy - Irritating.

Poker - Gone back to bad play however was really tired last night so blaming that.

TV - Big Fat Gypsy Wedding (now their true colours are on show!!!), Secret Diary Of A Call Girl (Shame it has really short episodes).

P.S - It appears that I am not the only one who is struggling to get the Neural Networks DVD working............. I hope something gets sorted.......

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

First Day Take 2

New job seems to have more humans than the last one, they seem like a nice bunch of guys with ladish humour............... ahhhhhhh normality. Fingers crossed that this works out till my BSc is done and maybe possibly part-time for MSc if I can't afford 1st choice.

Been looking at MSc lately and have decided on a first and second choice. 1st choice is Uni of Liverpool because it is the best for my chosen path of Forensic Psychology, my 2nd choice would be Uni of Middlesex due to locality. Liverpool is going to be mega expensive and really can't make head nor tale of scholarships etc............

Done very little OU stuff as been on big chill since Friday although DD101 TMA04 is due on Tuesday so will need to stay in for a bit over weekend to check it over after getting DD101 TMA03 results back on Sunday.

Managed to do a little on DD101 TMA07 reading and highlighting but will take it to work on my first Sunday to spend time as not totally sure what it is asking for to be fair. Still have to write up DD101 TMA06 in full but have total supply of notes to pull from. ED209 TMA01 has come back from stepdad with revisions......... I asked him to read it to a point that he understood it and I wasn't too far off.