Sunday, 30 January 2011

Quiet weekend

This has been the quietest weekend that I've had in ages and it's been rather nice.

Managed to get a little reading and highlighting of the work for DD101 TMA07 and wondering how to write an assignment out of it. Need to create a plan me thinks.

Marks back for DD101 TMA03, they were a little higher than I expected but nothing spectactular, need to read through to see comments.

Think I'll now watch Big Fat Gypsy Wedding on 4OD.

Friday, 28 January 2011

Last Day Again

As the title suggests it is my last day at this job after only 2 months in it, on to new pastures as of Tuesday. Got to say, I may actually miss some people here and most definitely a few of the cars.

I now have a 1,700 words for ED209 TMA01, all I have left to do is make sure I haven't rambled and sort out my reference section. Buzz words, Piaget, assimilation, accomadation, equilibrium, schemas, sersori-motor, pre-operational, concrete operations, formal operations. Not sure whether or not to mention Vygotsky, so far I haven't but I suppose I have got a further 300 words to add if I wanted to. In DD101 word counts were precise which I actually almost prefer to this idea of a word count between 1,500 to 2,000.

I really ought to be getting on with DD101 TMA06 but have gone off the boil a little with it, mostly because I think the arguements in the text book against migration are rubbish. There are a lot of real world arguments as to why migration is a threat to the UK economy but they aren't even touched on. A great example is that the text book suggests that migration is vital for the NHS because there aren't enough junior doctors or nurses but if you look at this from the other point of view, there is the argument that suggests that we wouldn't need the extra doctors and nurses if there wasn't so much migration. Mind you an article in the Daily Mail suggests today that hospitals are being over-run with drunk people so maybe there are external forces at work.

My 3 days unemployed will be spent with boy toy so should get an idea of whether he is actually growing on me or whether in fact I need to move away!!! It turns out he is quite painful after a few beers and assumes that because I talk to another male, I am in fact having a fling with them. Have told him that he is on a 3 strike rule and he is 1 down.

Wouldn't mind reading and highlighting Book 1 Chapter 4 today but think that might be a little cheeky. Hmmmmm, do I actually care?!?!?!?!?

Thursday, 27 January 2011

ED209 TMA01

Only today and tomorrow at work, starting new job Tuesday and rather looking forward to it although to be fair car sales is much the same wherever!!

Trying to get ED209 TMA01 done at work today and it actually is quite a nice one to start. I've been looking ahead at the practical TMAs and they are pretty daunting so not going to do that again till I've done the 1st 3.

Got an email from tutor regarding DD101 TMA03 to say that we won't get our marks back until Jan 31st. I might not look until after my first day in new job or get someone else to do it.

Watched Black Swan last night.......... a very disturbing film but have to agree that Portman did a great job and played the part just right.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011


I was expecting my results for DD101 TMA03 yesterday as I am certain that it was a 14 day turn around however they have not appeared and to be fair, I am not expecting a stonking grade but still want to know.

Today is another wind down day at work and apart from constantly checking for my TMA result, all I have done is investigate the conspiracy of the assasination of JFK which isn't really productive but it is saving me from boredom and I fancied a bit of a break from TMAs.

I've been looking at websites regarding the ED209 exam which I know is a long way away but it helps to know now what I really need to pay attention to!!

I have now more or less finished reading and highlighting ED209 Book 1 Chapter 3 so feeling a little more confident that I can get ahead fairly rapidly.

Can't believe DD101 TMA04 is due on Feb 8th, that seems to have come around rather fast. TMA04 is complete and has been submitted however I will check it over before the deadline in case changes need to be made. TMA05 is still being checked over for SPAG (Spelling, punctuation and grammar)then I'll submit (I just like pressing the button). TMA06 is still a work in progress. TMA07 has been thought about but put on the back burner awaiting arrival of DD101 second mailing which arrived Monday.

Monday, 24 January 2011

The Final Week

The end is nigh and I'll be away from work on Friday evening so counting the hours till I actually get a Saturday, Sunday and Monday off work!!

Managed to finish reading and highlighting ED209 Book 1 chapter 2 and have started in 3 but really can't get away with that on a normal business day at work, can only really get away with anything that can be done on computer rather than looking like a total student and getting the books out on my desk!!

Been looking at ED209 TMA01 and am pretty happy with the material that I have written in terms of key concepts, definitions etc.... just need to put it in to a better format. ED209 TMA02 is most certainly on the back burner for a little while or at least till DD101 TMA06 is out of the way.

Moved my Pug 205 CTi in to it's garage yesterday after 4 months being left to the elements on the drive way. Had problems starting it before which is why I didn't run it for ages however once the jump leads were connected she fired up straight away. Stupid French car. Now to start the work so that she is roadworthy by March........ money and time required. Got insurance quote for £200 for the year though so very happy with that.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Sunday Sunday

Another Sunday at work and another chance to hit the books.

Yesterday is amanged to highlight and read through Methods and Skills up to section 6 which also leads to ED209 TMA02 which is gong to be a nice one so I am doing notes on that one whilst I go. Today I am hoping to read and highlight up to the end of Chapter 3 in Book 1. There is an awful lot of reading for ED209 but they do have great examples when explaining tricky stuff which is helpful.

Current TMAs in progress:

DD101 TMA06 - Migration - Have notes, now just trying to create 1,500 of sense out of it.

DD101 TMA07 - States - I am actually going to wait till the Part 2 materials arrive (hopefully Monday) before I get in to this as it requires a fair bit of reading and making sense of stuff

ED209 TMA01 - Piaget - This is in skeleton form with about 1,100 words out of the required 1,500 to 2,000 but I am happy that I have at least started it.

ED209 TMA02 - Sharon's Study - This is actually a really nice assignment on Methodology so had a go at it whilst reading through Methods and Skills Handbook yesterday.

Saturday, 22 January 2011

ED209 Catch up

ED209 starts next Saturday (February 5th) and I am pretty sure I was further ahead in DD101 before it started.

Progress so far:

Read and highlighted Book 1 chapter 1 and made a start on chapter 2
Started the first draft of ED209 TMA01
Read and Highlighted 1-4 of Methods and Skills Handbook
Watched Media Kit Video Band 1 and 2.

Actually once it's written down I feel like I am further ahead than I thought but was hoping to be at least 4 weeks ahead at least until I have completed DD101 TMA07. Really need to get on with the actual text book as that is the most time consuming and need to purchase Erika Cox's revision stuff.

Have had a couple of lazy days in terms of study so am pressing on with getting as much of Methods and Skills handbook done today so that I know where to refer to.

Friday, 21 January 2011

The Resignation

After the morning meeting I resigned, it went well but still have to work the whole week. Straight after they fired a guy who they had been threatening to fire for months apparently so now they are down to 2 sales people so it will be interesting to see what happens.

In terms of OU stuff I am getting on with ED209 TMA01 today as it is now more of a tidy up rather than content.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Day without OU

I have actually gone a day at work where I haven't actually done anything really OU related apart from log on to the OU website to see if either my DD101 TMA03 results have been posted which happens not to be the case and see if anything was new.

ED209 Tutorials have now been posted and they are actually perfect as my new job is in Ascot and my tutorials are on Tuesday nights in Bracknell, I think the lady upstairs is sending me good signals.

Caved and bought ED209 TMAs off ebay, I would like to point out that they aren't to cheat from, just a way of knowing how to layout the TMAs and to be fair, the questions aren't the same so you couldn't really cheat anyway.

On lates at work and have written up my resignation letter for tomorrow after the morning meeting, I am actually dreading this.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Piaget's conservation and egocentricity

I'm currently at work making a start on ED209 TMA01 and thought I would share some info that is making this a little easier. I appreciate it is not brain science (actually I suppose maybe it is in a minor way) but I like to over simplify things where possible then build on it.

This is all refering to the pre-occupational stage of childhood development

Conservation - this is in very simple terms 'logic'

Egocentricity - this in very simple terms is 'empathy'

I am finding that once the experiments have been described that in fact 1500 to 2000 words shouldn't be that hard although what I have written so far is ramblings and will need to be put in to English at some point!!!

Had a look at ED209 TMA02 which looks pretty straight forward although must get on with the Methods and Skills Handbook before I even contemplate starting this one.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

ED209 Progress

I have actually made a start on ED209 TMA01. Piaget is a bit of a dude, his theory pretty much states that children show the same development as molluscs............. how cruel is evolution!!! ED209 TMA01 is proving easier than DD101 TMA06/07. TMA07 is proving to be a bit of a pain to be fair, the actually section on legitamacy within states is tiny therefore I am actually doing to have to draw from the other chapters to make 1500 words........ Doh!!!! Might even give in to researching other sources.

Came 4th in poker tonight which has cheered me up.

Resigning on Friday which is going to be bad, they aren't going to take too well.

Monday, 17 January 2011

A lilttle Sunday progress

Managed to re-read and highlight book 1 chapter 1 in ED209 so whilst I am currently watching/listening to Media Kit VB1 whilst tidying my room I have almost completed the first weeks study. On to chapter 2 later tonight so I can start the work for TMA01.

Found a great use for new boy toy, he can change tyres and even though he has no interest, he will actually let me bore him with child development!! I'm pretty sure that I won't get away with it for long as my family have now taken to hiding from me after I have been studying. If they here... Did you know...... they RUN!!!

On with room tidy and Media Kit then off to meet my daddy for a beer.........I love days off work.

Friday, 14 January 2011

TMA05 Completed

So far today (at work) I have managed to complete TMA05 which I will now get someone else to read through so that they can make sense of it. I will hold fire to submit although there is the urge to just press that button! I hope you can use bullet points in the conclusion else that might prove an issue.

Have made more notes for TMA06. I have found the text book to be lacking in arguments against migration which has proved to be a problem to evaluate the claim the migrants pose a threat to the UK economy so have made notes away from the text for this one so that I can pose a better arguement however in all honesty the conclusion is about the same. I have about 2,500 words of notes to turn in to a 1,500 word essay. On to creating some sort of plan of action today. I see another quiet work day ahead so god bless have OU stuff to do to keep me busy.

I've now looked at the stuff for TMA07/EMA which is a little more intricate than previous assignments mostly because you are actually drawing information from all 3 chapters rather than the usual 1/2. I read other people's opinions that you should start TMA07/EMA as soon as you've submitted TMA06 and I think that everybody doing DD101 needs to take this on board plus it is worth a major chunk of your final grade.

After looking at DD101 group on Facebook last night I was amazed to see how many people are still working on TMA03 considering it was due January 11th (3 days ago), apparently they all got extensions. My tutor waits most of the 2 weeks before marking so will just have to read the posts on FB to see what people are getting.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

DD101 TMA06 - Migration

Another late night at work which actually appears to be a god send due to reports that a lorry is stuck under a bridge on my route home and traffic is at a standstill, hopefully it will be moving by 7pm!!!

It may appear by the title that I have finished TMA05 which isn't true, it still needs a little fine tuning before I can submit it but it reads okay, it's just the 'report' side of it that is making it more difficult. I really wanted to add the phrase 'people who say that you can't buy happiness just don't know where to shop' but I have stopped myself and kept it formal. I am quite a bit over on word count but will just need to get ruthless.

Due to another quiet day at work I have managed a fair bit of reading for TMA06 which is quite interesting. A very fair point is made in the textbook regarding migration and the actual definition of it, in fact I am pretty certain that the definition seems to be the main focal point of the whole text.

Managed to get a virus on laptop after watching too much Desperate Housewives so whilst it sorted itself out I did some ED209 reading and made a start on Chapter 2 which is the main reading for the option that I have chosen for ED209 TMA01 - Evaluate Piaget's theories and ones which disprove them. The reason I chose this one is that it seemed very much straight to the point rather than the other one which seems like it would de hard to get going with. I have also got a little ahead of myself and looking at the question and assignment notes for DD101 TMA07 which looks like it may take a little time.

A note of slight sadness - The blogger of has given up on blogging to get on with study which is a great loss as I always looked forward to reading a new post.

Monday, 10 January 2011

New Job - Take 2

As it turns out, the job that I started back on December 1st has turned out to be a bad decision for lots of reasons so as of just now I have a job offer starting on February 1st with a company who are far more highly regarded and a known entity!! Will resign middle of next week and hopefully have a week or more off. I should probably go on about how I will use this time off to study which I obviously will mostly because I will be without a car but I'm certain that Desperate Housewives, Dexter and maybe Weeds could be included and a new boy toy that I have aquired!!!

Recieved Media Kit for ED209 so going to have a go through that a bit later. Have gone through the Methods and Skills book and highlighted important bits in yellow and theorists in green (too many coloured highlighters so still got to work out what to do with pink, purple and blue!!!)

TMA05 is currently put to one side and my actual hurdle in getting it done is actually the headings which I know sounds daft as I have the content so that is my next thing to sort.

TMA06 hasn't been started so will get on to that once TMA05 is in full draft stage, I think the reading will be interesting as it will have arguements for and against migration which is a topic I have fairly strong views on myself so need to make sure that they don't get in the way.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

ED209 website opens

After another quiet day at work I opened my studenthome today to find the ED209 website open which has created a few more questions that answers!!

1) Is the Media Kit going to be on there? If not then I really want my copy as I am going to answer the question on Piaget for TMA01 after ready the study notes for both questions.

2) Where is the assignment mark section? Will this appear when the course actually starts?

3) The student notes for the assignments actually look more thorough than the ones for DD101.

I think ED209 looks like a lot of reading, I think I will be investing in Erika Cox's notes quite soon.

DD101 TMA05 is coming together quite nicely. I have notes, a report structure, headings (I suspect these will change though), a table of figures and I might even include the correlation chart showing economic growth vs happiness. Deadline 22nd March but suspect I'll have it done by Saturday unless work suddenly gets busy.

Been looking at the notes for TMA06 and have chosen the question on migrants because I hated identities and that appears to be what option 2 is about.

Day off work tomorrow and maybe only a little OU stuff, will probably log on at some point because it's addictive.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Random facts

Modules studying and probably in this order:

DD101 - Introducing the social sciences (Oct 2010)
ED209 - Child development (Feb 2011)
DSE212 - Exploring psychology (Oct 2011)
DXZ222 - Psychology project (Jun 2012)
DSE232 - Applying psychology (Sep 2012)
SD226 - Biological psychology: exploring the brain (Feb 2013)
DD303 - Cognitive psychology (Jan 2013)
DD307 - Social psychology (Jan 2014)

In total and on the basis that nothing changes which I hasten to add I am sure it will equates to:

36 TMAs - 4 are complete so far
3 ECAs - 0 completed
4 Exams - My least favourite and none yet completed, the first being in October.

Monday, 3 January 2011

New Year.

Well 2011 has finally arrived with a bang. I think I have abused my body enough for a while so am just chilling out for a few days. This chill out should get me back in to study time.

TMA04 - This is now complete, I just have to make some punctuation and grammar changes then I think I will just submit. I am quite happy with what I have written.

DD101 in general - I am over half way through course in my schedule however 4 weeks ahead of OUs schedule (this I hasten to add is not me trying to be flash but needed to get ahead for ED209 starting February and the minor fact that work would be very boring if I didn't have TMAs to do. I have started to short cut a little with TMAs. I read all 3 chapters, LC pages and audio transcripts, them I read assignments notes and that is the only bits I re-read and make notes from. I have really enjoyed DD101 due to the total variety and each TMA being on a different subject.

TMA05 - This is due sometime in March and I've made a start already. Apparently the focus is on Chapter 1 with a little of Chapter 2 and very little from Chapter 3. I take this to mean that I only need to focus on chapter 1 and will find nothing to use in 2 & 3. The audio Economic, Wealth & Happiness was very useful. I am trying to work out how to break this all up in to report structure so need to re-read the text to help with this.

ED209/Desperate Housewives - Watching Desperate Housewives on Megavideo leaves me with a 30 minute break every 72 minutes (explanation irrelevent) therefore using this time to read and underline ED209 course texts after printing the notes available from to check my understanding (these are awesome notes BTW). Week 1 stuff is virtually completed apart from missing Media Kit which is involved a fair bit.

Work - Not sure I will still be in this job in Febraury but we shall see. I hate company politics and this place has more than the worst amount ever seen.

Long post I know but a round up on starting a New Year seemed wise.