Another late night at work which actually appears to be a god send due to reports that a lorry is stuck under a bridge on my route home and traffic is at a standstill, hopefully it will be moving by 7pm!!!
It may appear by the title that I have finished TMA05 which isn't true, it still needs a little fine tuning before I can submit it but it reads okay, it's just the 'report' side of it that is making it more difficult. I really wanted to add the phrase 'people who say that you can't buy happiness just don't know where to shop' but I have stopped myself and kept it formal. I am quite a bit over on word count but will just need to get ruthless.
Due to another quiet day at work I have managed a fair bit of reading for TMA06 which is quite interesting. A very fair point is made in the textbook regarding migration and the actual definition of it, in fact I am pretty certain that the definition seems to be the main focal point of the whole text.
Managed to get a virus on laptop after watching too much Desperate Housewives so whilst it sorted itself out I did some ED209 reading and made a start on Chapter 2 which is the main reading for the option that I have chosen for ED209 TMA01 - Evaluate Piaget's theories and ones which disprove them. The reason I chose this one is that it seemed very much straight to the point rather than the other one which seems like it would de hard to get going with. I have also got a little ahead of myself and looking at the question and assignment notes for DD101 TMA07 which looks like it may take a little time.
A note of slight sadness - The blogger of has given up on blogging to get on with study which is a great loss as I always looked forward to reading a new post.
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