Friday, 25 March 2011

ED209 TMA02 Progress

After a little trip to sunny Brighton yesterday buying clothes that I love but have no idea where to wear them to I am at work without a boss and messing about with ED209 TMA02 which is proving to be a bit of a pig.

I have always been told that if a question is offering 10 marks then it requires 10 different points etc....... so I have a word document which is split in to the 9 questions broken down further in to the numbers of points that I need to provide and a word count break down of 20 words per point (I know this is very simplistic but it should get me through this). By doing this I have discovered some huge gaps in which I have no idea what to put but am filling it with the notes that I made on Wednesday.

I am taking a little break (sort of) from DD101 as TMA06 isn't due till May 4th so have plenty of time at the moment. TMA07 is in my mind but only so I can clarify some bits and with the problems in Libya with regards to Legitimate Authority of a territory, I believe that I am understanding some of the material better.

Today is going fairly quickly as been pretty busy (this is a first!!) and I'm off shortly to a customer with a car for them to drive and see if they can fit golf clubs in the back........... I have done this so many times in my 7 years in this game that I know exactly what will happen...... remove the driver and the bag and electric trolley will be comfy.

I am starting to get to grips with the idea of fitting study in whenever possible even if you only have a few mins to spare. It's amazing how much you can actually get done in a very short time and also because it is only for a very short period, you actually tend to remember far more. It really helps that OU stuff is all online and I have a job which gives me total internet access.

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