Logged on to StudentHome to see if I had a result and there it was........ pretty much what I expected and after reading my feedback I suspect it was a fairly kind mark. I am not saying that my tutor has gone soft or anything but I appear to be struggling with introductions so really need to work on this along side referencing and both together would have taken me to the next OU level.
Have managed to work a little on DD101 TMA06 and bit sfor DD101 TMA07 which is either going to be a real struggle or I will end up with so much info that I am going to facilitate a major cull of info.
Really need to get on with ED209 TMA02 which is the first one due. I think I have hit a focus on DD101 because it's nearly complete with the last 2 TMAs to submit then I can kick back and hit ED209 with my full attention.
I am 15% of the way through the degree with regards to TMAs which seems a lot considering I am only 5 months in to the 4 years but hey, it sounds great.
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