Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Dictation software for FWEEEEEE

It’s been an interesting time of late.

In terms of OU study, I am seeing the deadline for DSE212 TMA04 draw closer and I have no more on paper than I had but not feeling too pressured as I pretty much know what I want to write about. After my first Elluminate tutorial it has been suggested that the tutors want to read a story rather than a repeat of what is in the material so a story is what they will get from me. Comparing and contrasting in this essay is a challenge because very little research has been undertaken from an insider point of view but on the plus side it makes it easier as to which side I shall stand.

Elluminate is mildly amusing. Everyone appears to fight to get their voice heard and forget to switch microphones off which cause interference. Was a very good tutorial on how to attack assignments critically although I wish this had happened in DD101 as I am on my 3rd module which seems a little late in the day.

I have decided that March 12th is the night that I will stay in with wine to blitz DSE212 TMA04, as mentioned many times already, I already have a backbone to work from so it shouldn’t take forever.

SD226 TMA01 will be undertaken just after DSE212 TMA01, I have some ideas with this so I will play then a few days before it’s due I will blitz it in a few nights.

I am already dreading DSE212 TMA05 and I haven’t even started it, I struggle with thematic analysis but think I really just need to get my head around it.

Work has been pretty cool, I hit target in February and this month is looking rather prosperous again.

In reference to the title: I have been tempted towards purchasing dictation software as my fingers have started to go a little funny after a major session. I really didn’t want to spend out in excess of £90 so have been looking for a cheaper way of doing it. Today I have been pointed to the fact that Windows 7 has an inbuilt dictation package!!! If this works well then I am on to a winner. Have ordered microphone headset from Amazon for under £10. To access this tool, go to the start button on windows and go to help and support then type ‘speech recognition’. Bingo. Happy chatting.

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