Monday, 6 February 2012

SD226 TMA01 & DSE212 TMA03: Update

DSE212 TMA03 is due Wednesday and although I have the bulk of it, I need to put it all together, print it, then tear it to shreds before re-building so I am staying home tonight rather than spending it with the other half. My other half is very good about my studies but I can’t expect him to sit in silence whilst I get on with it next to him. If I can blitz it tonight then I’ll be back to his on Tuesday night. I think a few glasses of wine should help me get through this tonight and pull an all-nighter. The only down side is that I have a review at work tomorrow and should probably be preparing for that however maybe it just shows where my priorities actually lie.

SD226 TMA01: It’s amazing that when you read something over a few times it becomes less daunting. I have the bulk of TMA01 written (ink) so it was nowhere near as bad as I initially thought however Question 3 is proving to be problematic unless I am missing something completely. After reading, re-reading, making notes and re-reading again, I can’t quite work out how I am going to construct an argument based on the question. There appears to only be a small section on subcortical structures but the questions asks for 4/5 points to argue on. I must be missing something drastic but I’m not going to worry too much quite yet as it’s not due for quite a while.

My progress on SD226 is good, Book 1 has been completed and although it initially gave me headaches with the amount of biological depth, it appears that it is just to give you a grounding to work from. Book 2 is purely a statistics book which I have bypassed for the time being, it is all still very fresh in my mind so will only refer to it when needed. Book 3 chapter 1 is tiny so have swept through that and am now on to Book 3 Chapter 2 which is once again very biologically scientific but luckily is revision to some extent after doing A-level Biology years ago. One study I have found whilst doing this degree suggests that information you learn is always with you and you just need to find a way of drawing it out of your memory – I am starting to find this to be the case.

Once DSE212 TMA03 is out of the way, it will be time to press on with TMA04 which I have already managed to put some notes together for. A whole essay on memory seems very fitting at the moment.

I already know that I am going to want a fair bit of time on DSE212 TMA05 which is Thematic Analysis and it isn’t a strong point of mine however I think it might be something that will raise it’s ugly head in my future career so I really need to be more positive about it rather than panicking already. The positive is that the Research Methods book for DSE212 is fantastic and has examples so I will definitely be clinging on to that book for the rest of my life (have already saved a pdf copy to every storage device that I have).

Due to an issue with my window ledge (book shelf) I have had to remove my books and stack them up next to my bed. I hadn’t really realised till now as to how much I have read to date on the 4 modules worth of books in that pile. It really adds up and makes you a little warm and fuzzy with pride.

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