Thursday, 26 January 2012

DSE212 TMA03 Draft 1

I am not sure how but I have my first draft of DSE212 TMA03 ready, today at work, the creative juices were flowing and the results, discussion and procedure just flowed out on to a computer screen. There is still a long way to go to make it appear in English but I am happy that the bones are there to start messing around with. I have to admit that the methods book for DSE212 is far better than that of ED209. I really do wish that I had done DSE212 before ED209 as it would have been a great basis but hindsight is a great thing and I would have had a large gap. I still passed ED209 but maybe would have graded slightly better.

Time to start a plan for DSE212 TMA04 which will take my mind off TMA03,and makes me feel like I am getting somewhere.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

DSE212 TMA03 Update

Today has been a very lazy day off. I got up stupidly late when the plan was to get a grip on TMA03 however with the other half working till 8pm tonight, I still had plenty of time. I have the following completed: Title, Introduction, Design, Participants, apparatus, appendix, references. Still to complete are: Abstract, results and discussion so I feel I have really got far today. I still managed to catch up on the last 2 90210 that have appeared on Project Free TV.

Last night I had a 'video' blitz. I find that I don't watch the DVDs that come with the courses so I made the effort and got up to date with DSE212 video stuff, some interesting, some dull but at least it's done.

Going to hit the first SD226 DVD right now then off to other half to watch random stuff on Netflix.

I still haven't got my head around how you know if your t-test is significant or not!!! Going to ask a friend.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

A Step Further

Writing this blog is definitely for my own benefit rather than anyone else’s. It give me the motivation to drive further when ‘laziness’ rears it’s ugly head and it gives me somewhere to ramble about things that interest me but probably nobody else.

I managed to complete chapter 3 of Book 1 for SD226 however I am pretty sure that I am not taking much in. Even though this course does not have an exam (which generally gives rise to understanding only what is required for each TMA) I think I am actually going to have to re-read all the biology bits in order to get it in to my head. Might try to find an interactive website to play with at work.

Yesterday at work proved to be a little dull and this morning is not looking much different so I think that I have enough information for the following for DSE212 TMA03:

Title – Written, not great but at least I have something to work with. I quite fancied something witty but I think I will stick with something to the point.

Abstract – Not written but the rule of experiment write up suggests this will flow when everything else has been completed.

Introduction – I have enough information to put in to this and the Research Methods book is fantastic enough to give me some structure.
(Basic structure: Discuss attention? – Discuss automatic processing – Discuss Stroop effect – Discuss the experiment. This is all in the Research Methods book anyway)

Results – I know that I need SD, Mean, Median and a t-test. A case of messing with SPSS tomorrow (day off) to complete these parts. I haven’t as of yet worked out how to create a double bar chart but I’m sure it won’t be rocket science.

Discussion – Discuss my findings with regards to previous and talk about limitations etc. This is in rough draft form so far so shouldn’t be too hard.

References: Hmmmm, 2 books.

Appendix – The biggest pain in the butt (at least I think so). Consists of: SPSS results sheet (I think that should be easy to attach), Consent forms (Annoying as I think each one will need to be scanned and somehow attached to the final TMA file. Stimuli (Hoping this shouldn’t be too hard)

BINGO – Simplz!!! Yeah yeah, I’m very thankful that my job has serious down time!!!

SD226 TMA01 – I need to print off the instructions and bed it in to my mind, not even going to touch on this for a few weeks – Not due till March 28th

DSE212 TMA04 – Due March 14th so I will jump on to this as soon as TMA03 is complete. It is pretty straight forward, another essay focussing on Memory Research (I’m choosing option B).


Blitz – Picked randomly to watch and it was pretty darn good. Based in London around a cop serial killer who’s hunted by Jason Staham (Aggressive issues). All actors very good. Rated 18 (language)

West is West – Follow up to East is East. Very good, the young lad Saj steals the show. Bit more serious in places that the first one but it still has some great comedy moments. Supposedly filmed in Pakistan however Wiki suggests it was actually India.

Day off tomorrow so my day will be: 90210 catch up, New Girl catch up, DSE TMA03!!!!

Monday, 23 January 2012

Interlude -

I am suspecting that the thought of another TMA involving experiments and seeing the first TMA for SD226 has freaked me because I haven’t picked up a book in a week! I’m not totally losing it because I am ahead of the game already but I REALLY need to get a move on with SPSS. It is looking like a t-test is the only test required for the TMA so I can cope with that. Wednesday is my day off this week so I am hiding away with junk food and numerous cups of tea so that I can press on and get this darn thing written.

Punters at work are short on the ground and I don’t think that target is going to be reached but all in all it is going well and fingers crossed I may actually stay here until it’s time to go to a real brick uni for the MSc.

During a quiet patch at work and a frustration with the online training for Microsoft Access, I discovered a site which allows you do complete practice S.A.T.S for US colleges (I do mean that I was very bored). I would be eligible for Ivy League based on my scores however £30k per year and 14 years too late changes that.

The Bridge – A film documentary about people who have jumped from Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco in a 12 month period. The other half and I clicked on it (Netflix) to watch the first 5 minutes (just to see what the score was) and were engrossed for the whole film. Very well written and very well presented although we were amused by a mother and daughter describing their daughter/sisters departure over the bridge in which the daughter rambled away with mother constantly correcting her and generally getting annoyed. I would rate this film (Yes, you will actually see people jump), it is not tasteless in any way, it is rather respectful.

Super High Me – Great concept, interesting results. Neither of us were a big fan of the guy doing it. He is a stand up comic in America who neither of us would ever go to see due to his monotone voice and he wasn’t very funny HOWEVER by the audience reactions, he appeals to someone.

Tonight we are thinking of starting the trilogy of The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo. Everyone raves about it and it’s worth a go.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

SD226 - 30 points!!!

After a rather hectic morning at work, I logged on to student home to find that SD226 is ready and raring to go. I did my usual think of looking at the calendar, checking around the site and then I made the fateful mistake of looking at the TMAs….. I really wish I hadn’t.

I can’t believe that SD226 is only worth 30 points. The TMAs appear to be longer than any of the other modules I have done which have been 60 points. It is a 33 week course, has 6 books, 3 TMAs and an ECA (I am now dreading that and it’s months away). The only saving grace is that there is a few month gap between each of the first 3 TMAs. I am so glad that I didn’t try to combine it with ED209 or any level 3 module. DSE212 is proving to be a nice course although I really need to get going properly on TMA03 especially as I think I should be making a real start of SD226 TMA01. I think I am actually going to book some time off work so that I can have a blitz. I am ahead of myself on both courses but I want the TMAs done quickly.

Here’s hoping.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Things just got nerdier

I haven’t picked up a text book for OU since submitting DSE212 TMA02 but I’m not too worried as I know I can go fits and spatz with it. Sometimes I won’t put it down for weeks and other weeks I don’t bother. I am ahead with DSE212 in terms of the reading but really need to get my head down with DSE212 TMA03 which is a qualitative report and the SPSS training that goes with it.

Work is like a ghost town. The phones went down this time last week due to a server issue and being a phone based company, it tends to lead to it being rather quiet. I have therefore decided to use my time effectively (maybe not in the comapanies eyes, however definitely in mine).

After a fair amount of career research I have a fair idea that I need to following:

BSc (Hon) Psychology (BPS accredited)
MSc – (Psychology based) (doesn’t need to be BPS accredited)
Advanced Microsoft Access
Advanced Microsoft Excel
Advanced SPSS

I have therefore found an online course which is free from Microsoft

This appears to give me enough basic info which I can build on to advance myself, once I understand the concepts then I am pretty sure that I can teach myself with practice after that.

So today at work entails learning to use Microsoft Access which I have never used before. It’s actually pretty cool.

Monday, 9 January 2012

The Future: BSc-MSc-Career

I have really started to think about what to do after this degree. I think it was the fact that in 3 months I will be able to sign up for the first level 3 course has sparked this sudden realization. I will be doing a level 3 each year as I need to get Level 2 passes in both and I wouldn’t cope by overlapping and I don’t really need to. This degree was always planned to be a 4 year course and I could do with the extra time to save up for the MSc.

The original plan was to study for MSc Investigative Psychology at Huddersfield University however I have widened my options with good reason even though the original MSc might still be the case. After much research, it has come to my attention that I need to decide what career I actually want to follow at the end and more importantly, what career paths are actually available when I have finished all this study in September 2016. 2016 does seem like light years away but I’m sure it will fly by like the last 15 months with OU have already.

Current study status:

DD101 – Complete
ED209 – Complete
DSE212 – Half way through – Finishes June 11th
SD226 – Starts February 4th – Course materials have already arrived
DXR222 – Starts June 16th
DSE212 – Starts September 1st
DD303 – Starts January 28th 2013
DD307 – Starts January 29th 2014

MSc – Starts October 2015

I have been ‘surfing’ the web on quiet days at work (there have been many over Christmas) and I think I have a fair idea of what I what to do at the end of all this. I have however found that there are other things to learn which will be of advantage and that they are fairly easy although maybe time consuming.

1) Advanced SPSS use – I think a fair bit will be learnt on both BSc & MSc but whilst I have the access from OU, I might buy a book on the advanced aspects to play with.
2) Advanced Excel – I’m not bad with Excel at the moment but I am thinking that advanced Excel is going to be a fair bit more than I know so have found some free online training courses which I am going to start playing around with.
3) Advanced Access – I have never really used Access so this could be the toughest but as with Excel, free online training courses.

I will follow with another post sometime soon on what MScs I have narrowed down to at the moment.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

SD226 Materials Arrive

SD226 materials have arrived and I am surprised as to how much there is considering it’s a 30 point course. After reading reviews on the course I was expecting the work load to be higher than expected but maybe 6 books of complex information was more than expected. I am very glad that I did A-level Biology, and I’m surprised how much of it I appear to have retained.

On the basis that I have finished all the required reading for DSE212 therefore I really just have to get the assignments done, do the SPSS work and revise for June’s exam. I have started reading and highlighting Book 1 and would like to be done with Chapter 1 today. The only saving grace is that there is no exam to revise for therefore it is a case of understanding rather than memorising. So far I think that I am very interested in biological perspectives in Psychology which should be half the battle.

The other half and I are babysitting again tonight for his neice and nephew. We are now requested by the kids and we don’t mind too much. I would like to have got a little study done tonight which doesn’t happen with a hyper 8 year old but I have tomorrow. I really want to make a dent in DSE212 TMA03 next week and get the discussion done and the data in SPSS. I think it’s going to be fairly possible as I have Wednesday off and nothing better to do. I’m also planning to have got at least 2 chapters from SD226 Book 1 out of the way as I can pick this up as and when and can get bits done at work during quiet time.

Discovered yesterday that on March 27th I can register for either DD303 or DD307 for next year which has given me a jolt. I can’t believe that I am talking about level 3 courses already. I honestly have no idea which to do first. My logical brain is suggesting DD303 but only because it is a lower number than DD307 which makes me wonder if it’s marginally easier to begin with.

Oh well on to more SD226 rather than gassing about rubbish on here.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

DSE212 TMA02 Submitted

I had today off so finished up my TMA03 and submitted it. I only had today and Sunday off to get it finished in time so thought today was the better option especially as the distraction that is the other half is working so had total peace and quiet. Tea and a Terry's Chocolate orange got me through. I enjoyed the biological psychology bit but Question 3 of part 2 was more long winded than predicted. Oh well, in 2 or so weeks time I will know how I did!!!

When I started this course I was so excited about results coming back and I'd have the date in my diary and be checking like a stalker. It bothers me less now, it's all about getting the assignments done.

SD226 books leave the OU tomorrow so I should have them by the weekend. This is still exciting but it also gives me the initial feeling of over stretching myself to bring this in to 4 years whilst working full time and having a slightly crazy social life. I appear to be coping which amazes me more.

Bought ink cartridges for the fountain pen today, I love it!!! Been using it for everything and all the draw backs of past fountain pens don't appear to be there!! It doesn't leak and it doesn't take a whole day for the ink to dry. Think that I am going to start a new trend for the re-marketing of the fountain pen.

Off to darts tonight, honestly I'd rather stay in and make a start on TMA03 but sacrifices are made to keep my little angel happy.

Monday, 2 January 2012

2012 2012 2012 2012 2012

Happy New Year!!!

Well 2012 is upon us and the papers talk of doom and gloom but I am optimistic for the year ahead. I have plans in mind.

By the end of this year I am hoping to have achieved the following:

• 5 nights in New York with my dearest.
• Moving in with my dearest
• DSE212 completed
• SD226 completed
• DXR222 completed
• The combination of the 3 above mean that I am over half way through this degree which is a major achievement and will be celebrated in true Champagne style.
• A weekend in a Yurt (xmas present)
• 5 nights in Rome (I’m actually going there for Valentines on business but to go with my partner would be the actual aim)

I don’t think anything above is going to be too taxing so highly achievable. I was going to add the purchase of a 3D TV but that might be pushing it.

Working today so doing my usual thing of reading and highlighting OU texts. I am actually on Book 2 Chapter 3 – Sex and Gender so I have pretty much almost finished the readings for DSE212 which is well ahead of time but I really need to kick on with SPSS workings so I will hit that in one go. SD226 is just around the corner and I am oddly excited by the prospect because I have really enjoyed the Biological Perspective to date.

Revision for DSE212 seems so little compared to ED209 with only 7 chapters to revise along with those Key Terms. I think I only have to revise one topic from Book 2 which will be Sex and Gender.

DSE212 TMA02 due on January 11th. Option B is the chosen Essay and I think I need about 2 more hours on it to get it ready to be submitted. Haven’t really said too much on Neurones apart from how drugs work on them but it seems pretty fluid. The methodology stuff is pretty simple so fingers crossed. Then on to TMA03 which is a quantitative report (oh joy).