Monday, 26 September 2011

Shock, Horror......... an update

Ok, ok. I know I've been a little distant from this blog but have now been 'in a relationship' for 3 months (tommorrow actually) and I'm enjoying it. I will get bcak to this properly very shortly with loads of proper updates. Reflections on DD101 is still required along with other updates with regards to my OU path and others.


DD101 - Passed

ED209 - Exam on 18th October. Actually have started revision and so far am pretty competent with: Temperament, Peer & Sibling, Gender and First Relationships. I am planning on another 6 to make 10 chapters in all. Seen question should be okay, have my bits from the chapter that I'm using and also the papers that I am pulling from.

DSE212 - Starts next weekend, books are all here and website is open. Looks pretty simple in relation to ED209. Folks, do DSE212 before ED209!!!!

SD226 - No books but registered for February.

DZR222 - the one with residential course. Signed up and going to Bath on 28th July for the week.

DSE232 - Signed up for this starting October next year I think but not really worrying about it quite yet.

Have taken October 10th off for 4 days to cram revise. Notes for the 10 topics will be in place so just need to read and play with them to 'actively' remember. Thinking that minor theorists are going to be tough to remember. I hope that 10 are enough..... if not I've been stupid.

The 10 - Temperament, Siblings and Peers, Gender, First Relationships, Origins of Development, Attachment, Disturbed and Disturbing, Young Consumers, National Identity and another one that I haven't decided on as of yet. After looking at the last 4 years papers, it is evident that these topics come up a lot with others scoring 0, and as I am well aware that I will never remember 14 topics, I am reducing this. My focus will be on temperament and Siblings and Peers as I have high hopes for them.

Off out with the boy tonight as per normal but he's good with my degree stuff as long as he gets his feet rubbed............ easy. LOL