Friday, 6 May 2011

Day After Voting Day

A famous saying is that 'the only certainties in life are death and taxes', however another certainty is that my council will be under the conservatives.

Voting night was the usual special occassion with the odd giggle.

Firstly - I took a car to a customer after work and left my house keys in my other car at work. My family decided not to come home till 7.15pm so I ended up waiting in the pub next door for them to come home. Boy toy was there for a friend's birthday..... apparently because we hardly spoke to each other everyone seems to think we have split........ people, people.

Secondly - The local council election allows you to vote for up to 3 people so stepdad teased mother saying that he bet she had ticked all three......... the stupid fool had missed a vital candidate thinking there were only 2 possible options...... apparently if the counciller who writes our parish magazine doesn't get voted in then my stepfather is to blame. ha ha.

Thirdly - Voting day is special because it is the only night that stepdad buys lots of beer for us without moaning (he moaned a little when he only got 10p change out of a tenner for 3 pints). I decided to continue on in to the evening in the other pub which I had been in whilst waiting for the parental units to return home and let me in. Boy toy had left due to lack of funds however the birthday celebrations were still in flow. Birthday boy had far too much to drink, threw up in front of the bar then passed out in the toilets and had to be dragged in to a car by a rather strong lad......... I bet his head hurts today (even his other half told him to make his own way home after the shots started because 'he's always sick on shots'.

Must admit I am feeling the hurt of the 'bootleg' beer which my local serves.. the headaches are horrid.

Off to play a few rounds of Tiger Woods golf tonight with boy toy and finish the chapter on national identites and the other on Young Consumers for ED209. Not a totally lazy night.

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